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WordPress & the Web

3 • 27 • 18 natesymer


I don't hate WordPress. Sure, there are aspects of it that suck, but any platform has similar limitations. For most sites, WordPress would be suitable - especially if you intend to do something simple. I'll take a look at performance, security, data organization, and developer productivity.

Any web platform will have performance drains. Scripts have to be loaded, processes need to be loaded into memory, OS calls need to be made, etc. The only platform that I know that doesn't suffer from 66% of those is Haskell (this site is Haskell) because Warp is optimized to use as few OS calls as humanly possible and nothing has to be compiled/loaded at runtime.

On Writing a Blog

5 • 21 • 16 natesymer


UPDATE: most of the cool stuff I talk about I put in the package webapp on the Hackage.

The aspiring blogger uses a blogging platform like WordPress or Blogger to go from zero to blog in under thirty seconds. Most people can't code, and those who can usually want to use someone else's code anyway.

Fine. Use bad software if it makes you happy. Wordpress is a precarious concatenation of bunk so fragile, many devoted users will refuse to host them themselves. Nobody has time to appease Wordpress's byzantine architecture.

© 2017, Nathaniel Symer